Dress Up Your Halloween Candy!
Put Vote Yes stickers on your Halloween candy! Just stop by O-Deer Diner (416 Louisiana Ave.) to pick up a sheet of pre-printed stickers anytime this week starting Monday at 11 a.m.!
Knock Some Doors!
Go Door-to-Door Thursday, October 29 from 5-7 p.m. starting at O-Deer Diner. Sign up on Facebook or by clicking "sign up" above.
Pass Out Some Flyers (No Knocking)!
Help place door-hangers on the doors of a list of targeted voters anytime on November 1 or 2 to remind them to vote for the schools on Election Day (cannot be placed any earlier or later). Just grab a friend and quickly place them at the houses on your list—no knocking! Please click "sign up" above and we will get the supplies to you.
Greet at the Polls!
Help greet at the polls on Election Day! Sign up here. You may also pick up a sign at O-Deer Diner anytime this week starting today at 11 to hold up while you greet at the polls.
There will be a Watch Party for all who helped with the campaign at 8 p.m. on Election Night, Tuesday, November 3—details TBA!