Please also send us any questions you have or have heard about the levy or our schools: [email protected].
Here is the second video in our series titled Why All The Levies?!
Our series of weekly videos is designed to answer questions about the Perrysburg Schools levy on the November 5 ballot. Please follow our YouTube channel by clicking here and like and share our videos when we post them on Facebook & Instagram @citizensforperrysburgschools. Please also send us any questions you have or have heard about the levy or our schools: [email protected]. Here is the second video in our series titled Why All The Levies?!
![]() We're looking forward to making a big splash for the November 5 levy campaign by marching in the Perrysburg Homecoming Festival Parade on Saturday, September 21! We hope you can join us to show our community how excited we are about this important issue. Parents/guardians, family members, employees and students (with parent or guardian) are encouraged to join us! Please bring your friends! We'll be meeting at 9:15 a.m. for the parade lineup on Louisiana Ave. near 5th Street at the corner of the Commodore lawn. Please wear your Jacket Pride gear and bring a homemade sign to carry using Black and Gold that says: "Please Vote FOR Perrysburg Schools!" or "Preserve Perrysburg Schools!" You are welcome to bring a bag of candy to hand out along the parade route. We will also be taking photos throughout the parade to use on upcoming promotional materials, etc. Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] if you can join us. Please let us know if you have any questions and thanks so much for your support! We are the campaign that is aiming to protect our schools and preserve our community by passing a much-needed operational levy, and we would like to invite you to join our effort. Perrysburg School’s 2019 incremental operating levy constitutes 17% of the school district’s annual budget and is set to expire on December 31, 2024. The Board of Education has placed an incremental levy on the Tuesday, November 5, 2024 ballot, which would keep the amount collected today and increase annually to match student growth and needs. Without this levy, the impact on students in the classroom would be substantial, resulting in a loss of funding equivalent to the salaries of approximately 130 employees.
5 ways YOU can help Support Our Schools! Follow Us on Social Media Please follow Citizens for Perrysburg Schools on social media and invite your contacts to like our pages too! Please like and share our posts throughout the campaign! Facebook & Instagram @citizensforperrysburgschools Register to Vote Voter Registration deadline to participate in the Nov. 5 Election is Monday, October 7, 2024. Please register to vote if you haven’t already and also encourage your friends and family to do the same. You may register or check your registration using this link. Email List Please sign up for our email list to stay up-to-date throughout the campaign! Just fill out the form here and encourage your friends to sign up too! Donate Donations go to direct voter contact. Suggested donations of $25 or $50 may be mailed payable to “Citizens for Perrysburg Schools” c/o Eric Benington, Treasurer; 412 Rutledge Court, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 or PayPal donations may be made using this link: Testimonial Just finish one of these prompts and send it to [email protected]: "I love Perrysburg Schools because…" OR "I support Perrysburg Schools because…" Your schools need you! For more information or if you have any questions, please call 419-344-1218, email [email protected] or visit Thanks for your consideration and support! Sincerely, Kristin Kaiser & Ashley Sackett Co-Chairs Citizens for Perrysburg Schools The Board of Education has deliberated extensively throughout the spring on the expiring 2019 operating levy, which constitutes 17% of Perrysburg Schools' annual budget and is set to expire on December 31, 2024. Allowing this levy to expire would result in a loss of $13,542,652, potentially necessitating the reduction of approximately 130 employees.
At their July 15 meeting, the Board of Education approved a Resolution to Proceed to place an issue on the November 5, 2024, ballot. This decision will have a large impact on the future funding and operation of our school district. To clarify, this issue is to fund operations by replacing an expiring levy and is not a bond issue for a new school. The Board of Education has placed an 8-year, $2 million incremental operating levy on the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot to replace the current levy that is expiring. Please sign up for our email list to keep in touch with the campaign and learn how you can join the team!
The Perrysburg Board of Education voted to place a $88,000,000 issue (3.5 mills) on the Tuesday, March 19, 2024, ballot for a new 800 student elementary school located in the southwest area of the school district and expand and renovate Ft. Meigs, Toth & Woodland Elementary Schools.
Citizens for Perrysburg Schools is a community-based campaign committee that oversees the school district’s levy campaigns. The Ohio Revised Code requires that school levy campaigns be financed and run by private citizens—not the school district. No taxpayer funds may be used for a levy campaign. There are FIVE things you can do TODAY to help Citizens for Perrysburg Schools launch this campaign: Donate Donations support direct voter contact, including flyers for doorhangers and direct mail postcards. Suggested donations of $25, $50, $100 or $500 may be mailed payable to “Citizens for Perrysburg Schools” c/o Eric Benington, Treasurer; 412 Rutledge Court, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 or made via PayPal by clicking here. Write a Testimonial We need smiling photos of families and their students for campaign materials and we would love to share your story in campaign materials, such as letters to the editor and social media posts. Just email [email protected] if you’d like to share your support with the community—we’ll help with the rest! Promote Our Email List Please encourage your friends to sign up for this email list to stay up-to-date throughout the campaign! Information about volunteer opportunities, campaign updates and when it’s time to sign up for yard signs will be shared through this list. Just fill out the form by clicking here. Host a Coffee You provide the guests and refreshments and we provide the speaker. It’s okay if all of your attendees are already supporting the ballot issue! It’s just as important to provide info to supporters as those who are undecided so they have key info when talking with friends and family, and so they know how they may become more involved with the campaign. No group is too large or too small. You may host in your home or we can help coordinate a location. We can also give a 5-minute speech before or after your church or civic group meeting. Please email [email protected] if you are interested. Follow Us on Social Media Please follow Citizens for Perrysburg Schools on social media and invite your contacts to like our pages too! Please plan to like and share our posts throughout the campaign! Instagram @citizensforperrysburgschools Facebook @citizensforperrysburgschools Thanks for your consideration! We can't pass this bond issue without your help! We are hitting a critical fundraising deadline at the end of this week to be able to send our final mailer to targeted voters. We also need many more folks to step up to go door-to-door to talk with targeted voters.
Citizens for Perrysburg Schools is a community-based campaign committee that oversees campaigns in support of school issues. The Ohio Revised Code requires that school issue campaigns be financed and run by private citizens—not the school district. No taxpayer funds may be used for campaign advocacy. Door-to-Door We’re in need of many volunteers for the door-to-door part of our campaign. Ensuring that the community hears about the need, importance and urgency of this levy from those of us who are very supportive is critical for this bond issue's passage. Parents/guardians, family members, employees and children (with parent or guardian) are encouraged to join us! No worries if you’ve never done this before — all training, supplies and a script will be provided. Volunteers go out in teams and have conversations with active voters who we are targeting because they are likely supporters. You don't need to have all of the answers to canvass — just a smile and willingness to share why you’re a supporter. To sign up for one or more of the dates listed below, please click here. Upcoming Door-to-Door Dates hosted out of O-Deer Diner (416 Louisiana Ave.) from 9 to 11 a.m.: * Saturday, October 21 * Saturday, November 4 Experienced canvassers may also sign out a packet to do at a time convenient for them. Donate Donations support direct voter contact, including flyers for door-to-door and direct mail postcards. Suggested donations of $25, $50, $100 or $500 may be mailed payable to “Citizens for Perrysburg Schools” c/o Eric Benington, Treasurer; 412 Rutledge Court, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 or made via PayPal here. Thanks for your consideration! Our greatest need right now is financial support. All donations go right into direct voter contact, primarily by paying for literature our volunteers are dropping off at the homes of targeted voters or printing and postage for targeted mailings. The time is now to make a big push to reach voters, and to do that, we need many more donations to come in this week.
Please donate by mailing a check payable to “Citizens for Perrysburg Schools” c/o Eric Benington, Treasurer, 412 Rutledge Court, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 or via PayPal using this link. Whether you can give $10 or $100 or something in-between, every donation is so helpful and appreciated!
Citizens for Perrysburg Schools
We are a political action committee that oversees the district’s levy campaigns Archives
September 2024
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